Clannad Walkthrough

By Admin

“Step into the captivating world of Clannad with our immersive walkthrough. Prepare to embark on a heart-wrenching journey filled with poignant storytelling, tender relationships, and profound choices. Follow protagonist Tomoya Okazaki as he navigates the complexities of high school life, uncovering hidden secrets and encountering an extraordinary cast of characters. With our comprehensive guide, unravel the intricate web of emotions, winding storylines, and multiple endings of this beloved visual novel. Discover the true meaning of family, friendship, and love in this mesmerizing tale. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Clannad?”

Getting Started

To begin your Clannad journey, first, make sure you have the game installed on your device. Once installed, launch the game and you will be presented with the main menu. From here, select “New Game” to start a new Clannad playthrough.

The Story Begins

After starting a new game, you will be introduced to the protagonist, Tomoya Okazaki, and the setting of the game, Hikarizaka Private High School. Follow the on-screen prompts and dialogues to progress through the initial scenes and get acquainted with the characters and their relationships.

Meeting Nagisa Furukawa

In Clannad, Nagisa Furukawa is the main heroine and one of the central characters. Interact with Nagisa and the other characters to learn more about their stories and personalities. As you engage in various dialogues and make choices, your relationships with them will evolve.

Choosing Your Path

Clannad features multiple storylines and endings, depending on the choices you make throughout the game. These choices will determine which character’s path you will follow and ultimately affect the outcome of the story. Be attentive and thoughtful when making decisions to ensure you progress towards your desired path.

Building Relationships

To unlock specific character routes, you need to build relationships with the characters through dialogue choices and interactions. Pay attention to the characters’ needs, desires, and fears, and make choices that align with their personality traits. This will allow you to form deeper connections and ultimately unlock individual character story arcs.

Exploring Different Paths

During your playthrough, you can explore different character paths by replaying the game from specific save points or by making different choices. Experiment with different decisions to experience the multiple storylines and endings available in Clannad.

Completing Character Story Arcs

Each character in Clannad has their own unique story arc that unravels as you progress through the game. To complete a character’s story, you must fulfill specific conditions and make choices that guide the narrative towards their intended resolution. Follow the character’s story arc guide to ensure you reach a satisfying conclusion.

Unlocking True Endings

Clannad features true endings for each character, which provide a more comprehensive conclusion to their story. To unlock a true ending, you must successfully complete the character’s story arc and make specific choices that lead to the ultimate resolution. Pay close attention to the character’s needs and emotions to ensure you reach their true ending.

Additional Side Stories

In addition to the main character paths, Clannad also offers various side stories and events that provide additional context and character development. Explore the game thoroughly to uncover these hidden gems and gain a deeper understanding of the Clannad universe.

Enjoying the Soundtrack and Visuals

As you progress through Clannad, take some time to appreciate the beautiful artwork and the emotionally captivating soundtrack. The game’s visuals and music add depth and atmosphere to the overall experience, enhancing your immersion in its world.

Experimenting and Replaying

Clannad offers a rich and complex narrative with multiple routes, endings, and storylines. Don’t be afraid to replay the game and make different choices to explore alternative paths and discover new outcomes. Experiment with different character combinations and choices to fully experience everything Clannad has to offer.

Remember, Clannad is a deeply emotional visual novel that touches on various themes and explores the complexities of human relationships. Delve into its captivating story and let yourself be immersed in the heart-wrenching world of Clannad.

Clannad Walkthrough Video


– Start with the main story: Focus on progressing through the main storyline to unlock new routes and routes for other characters. – Pay attention to dialogue choices: Your decisions and dialogues with characters affect the progression of the story, so choose carefully. – Talk to all characters: Interact with all the characters in Clannad to build stronger relationships and unlock new events. – Collect items and complete side quests: Explore the game environment, collect items, and complete side quests to uncover hidden content and additional storylines. – Save often: Make frequent saves to ensure that you can return to certain points in the game and explore different story routes. – Read the guidebook walkthrough: Consult a guidebook or online walkthrough if you get stuck or want to ensure you don’t miss any important events or endings. – Try different choices: To experience different storylines, make different dialogue choices to see how the story unfolds. – Take breaks: Don’t rush through the game. Take breaks to reflect on the story and characters, and to avoid getting overwhelmed. – Enjoy the music: Clannad is known for its beautiful music, so make sure to fully appreciate the soundtrack while playing. – Have tissues ready: Clannad is an emotional game, so prepare yourself for some tear-jerking moments.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, following a walkthrough can be incredibly helpful for players who are stuck or looking to fully experience the game Clannad. By using a walkthrough, players can navigate through the complex storyline and make the choices that will lead to their desired outcome. Additionally, walkthroughs can provide valuable insight into the game’s characters, subplots, and hidden content, enhancing the overall gaming experience. However, it is important to remember that using a walkthrough can also take away from the sense of discovery and exploration that comes with playing a game like Clannad. Ultimately, the decision to use a walkthrough is up to the player’s personal preference and gaming style.