Castlevania 3 Walkthrough

By Admin

Step into the dark and treacherous world of Castlevania 3, where danger lurks at every turn. This walkthrough is your ultimate guide to surviving the cursed halls of Dracula’s castle. Unleash the powers of Trevor Belmont and his band of allies as they embark on a quest to rid the world of the vampire lord’s evil reign. Delve into the depths of each level, uncovering hidden passages, battling monstrous creatures, and mastering powerful abilities. This treacherous journey demands skill, strategy, and precision if you wish to stand a chance against the unholy forces that await you. Brace yourself for an unforgettable adventure in this Castlevania 3 walkthrough.

Character Selection

The first crucial decision you need to make in Castlevania 3 is selecting your character. There are four options available: Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Grant DaNasty, and Alucard. Each character has unique abilities and playstyles, so choose wisely based on your preferred strategy.

The Beginning: The Entrance Hall

As Trevor Belmont, start your journey in the Entrance Hall. Here, you’ll encounter basic enemies such as zombies and bats. Dispose of them using your trusty whip and collect any power-ups or hearts they drop. Hearts are essential as they allow you to use sub-weapons.

The First Boss: Skull Knight

After progressing through several rooms, you’ll face the first boss, Skull Knight. Stay on the ground and time your attacks carefully to avoid his projectiles. Use sub-weapons like the axe to deal extra damage. Once defeated, collect any dropped power-ups and continue to the next area.

Character Strengths Weaknesses
Trevor Belmont Whip proficiency, all-around fighter Slow movement speed
Sypha Belnades Powerful magic spells Fragile, limited health
Grant DaNasty Able to climb walls and ceilings Short attack range
Alucard Vampire abilities, transforming into a bat Lower damage output

Choosing Your Path: The Clock Tower or The Forest

At this point, you’ll reach a defining moment where you must choose between two different paths: the Clock Tower or the Forest. The Clock Tower is full of moving platforms and gears, while the Forest is a challenging maze with hidden routes. Consider your character’s strengths and weaknesses when deciding which path to take.

The Second Boss: Cyclops

After navigating through your chosen path, you’ll confront the second boss, Cyclops. Stay centered and attack when his eye opens. Be cautious of his powerful stomping ground pound. Utilize your character’s unique abilities and sub-weapons effectively to defeat him.

Multiple Endings: Dracula’s Castle

As you approach the end of the game, you’ll enter the treacherous Dracula’s Castle. Here, you’ll encounter various traps, enemies, and mini-bosses leading up to the final battle with Dracula himself. Depending on the choices you made throughout the game, you can unlock multiple different endings, adding replay value to the game.

Fighting Dracula: Final Showdown

In the final battle, face off against the powerful Dracula. Dodge his assortment of attacks while dealing damage with your character’s unique abilities and sub-weapons. Stay persistent and take advantage of any opportunities to strike, as defeating Dracula requires both skill and strategy.

Remember, this walkthrough guide provides an overview of the main points and progression in Castlevania 3. Feel free to consult an in-depth walkthrough or refer to additional resources for a more detailed step-by-step guide. Enjoy your adventure in the world of Castlevania!

Castlevania 3 Walkthrough Video


  • Explore every corner of the map to find hidden items and secrets.
  • Choose your characters wisely – each one has unique abilities that can be helpful in different situations.
  • Upgrade your sub-weapons whenever possible – they can be very powerful in boss battles.
  • Save hearts for sub-weapon usage, as they can deal significant damage to enemies.
  • Pay attention to your health bar and use restorative items when needed.
  • Learn the attack patterns of bosses and plan your strategy accordingly.
  • Use the wall-climbing ability to reach hidden areas and shortcuts.
  • Collect different power-ups to enhance your abilities.
  • Utilize the different characters’ sub-weapons and abilities to overcome specific challenges.
  • Experiment with different strategies and approaches to find what works best for you.
  • Take advantage of the ability to switch characters mid-game to adapt to different situations.
  • Be patient and persistent – Castlevania III can be challenging, but perseverance will pay off.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings for environmental hazards and traps.
  • Keep track of your progress by jotting down notes or using a map.
  • Keep an eye out for secret passages and hidden rooms that may contain valuable items.


In conclusion, a walkthrough for Castlevania 3 can be extremely helpful for those struggling to progress through the game. With its challenging platforming and strong enemy AI, having a step-by-step guide can ensure players don’t miss any hidden secrets or crucial power-ups. Additionally, understanding the different paths and character abilities can greatly enhance the overall gameplay experience. Whether you’re a fan of the classic Castlevania series or a newcomer to the franchise, using a walkthrough for Castlevania 3 can help you make the most of your gaming experience and conquer Dracula’s castle with ease. So gear up, grab your whip, and get ready to embark on this thrilling adventure.