Castlevania Chronicles 2 Simon’S Quest Walkthrough

By Admin

In the treacherous realm of Castlevania lies a haunting adventure in the form of Chronicles 2: Simon’s Quest. As the midnight moon casts its ominous glow, you, courageous player, will be thrust into the enigmatic shoes of Simon Belmont once again. Armed with your whip and unwavering determination, embark on a perilous journey to vanquish Dracula’s abominable curse that threatens to engulf the land in eternal darkness. With this comprehensive walkthrough, be prepared to navigate treacherous mazes, face diabolical creatures, and decipher cryptic clues, as you strive to restore peace and rid the world of the prince of darkness forever.

Part 1: Obtaining the Morning Star

Action Location
Collect Hearts Explore nearby areas and defeat enemies to gather hearts
Purchase White Crystal Go to the town of Jova and buy the White Crystal from the merchant
Create a Bridge Use the White Crystal to create a bridge that will allow you to cross the river
Defeat Enemies Clear the area of enemies and navigate to the hidden mansion
Find the Morning Star Search the hidden mansion for the Morning Star weapon

Part 2: Obtaining Dracula’s Rib

Action Location
Collect Hearts Continue exploring and defeating enemies to gather hearts
Purchase Oak Stake Visit the town of Veros and buy the Oak Stake from the merchant
Activate the Ferryman Go to the town of Aljiba and activate the Ferryman by finding his hidden body parts
Create a Cross Use the Oak Stake to create a Cross that will allow you to access new areas
Defeat the Boss Navigate through the new areas and defeat the boss to obtain Dracula’s Rib

Part 3: Obtaining Dracula’s Heart

Action Location
Collect Hearts Continue to explore and defeat enemies to gather hearts
Purchase Laurels Visit the town of Alba and buy Laurels from the merchant
Find the Graveyard Locate the graveyard and use the Laurels to pass through without taking damage
Acquire Dracula’s Heart Defeat a series of bosses and navigate through challenging areas to obtain Dracula’s Heart

Part 4: Resurrecting Dracula

Action Location
Collect Hearts and Purchase Items Continue to gather hearts and buy necessary items for the upcoming battle
Obtain Dracula’s Eyeball and Nail Navigate through dangerous areas and defeat bosses to obtain Dracula’s Eyeball and Nail
Access Brahm’s Mansion Use the items obtained to gain access to Brahm’s Mansion
Recover Dracula’s Body Parts Find Dracula’s body parts scattered within the mansion
Defeat Brahm and Dracula’s Resurrected Form Battle and defeat Brahm and the resurrected form of Dracula

Make sure to refer to detailed sources such as the provided website if you need more information on specific steps or strategies within each part of the walkthrough.

Castlevania Chronicles 2 Simon’s Quest Walkthrough Video


– Collect hearts throughout the game as they are the currency used to purchase items and upgrades. – Use a guide or walkthrough to navigate through the game, as it can be difficult to figure out the correct path without assistance. – Prioritize purchasing the best whip upgrade as soon as possible, as it will greatly increase your attacking power. – Save up for the Holy Water item, as it is very useful for defeating enemies and bosses. – Utilize the different weapons and items you acquire to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies more efficiently. – Explore each area thoroughly, as there are hidden items and secrets that can greatly aid your progress. – Make note of the clues and hints provided by NPCs in the game, as they often provide valuable information for solving puzzles or finding hidden items. – Stock up on laurels, as they provide temporary invincibility and can be extremely useful in difficult sections. – Be cautious of the day and night cycle, as certain areas and enemies change behavior depending on the time of day. – Pay attention to your health and try to keep it as high as possible by collecting hearts and using restorative items when needed.


In conclusion, finding a reliable and detailed walkthrough for Castlevania Chronicles 2: Simon’s Quest can greatly enhance your gaming experience. This classic game is known for its challenging gameplay and intricate level design. By following a walkthrough, players can navigate through the various stages, defeat difficult enemies, and uncover hidden treasures with ease. A well-written guide will not only provide step-by-step instructions but also offer helpful tips and strategies to overcome obstacles. Whether you’re a veteran player or new to the series, a thorough walkthrough ensures that you won’t miss any secrets and can fully enjoy the journey through Dracula’s castle. So, grab your whip and prepare to explore the world of Castlevania Chronicles 2: Simon’s Quest!