Castlevania Circle Of The Moon Walkthrough

By Admin

Prepare to embark on a dark and treacherous journey through the eerie world of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. This chilling walkthrough will guide you through every twisted corridor, every harrowing encounter, and every horrifying boss battle. As Nathan Graves, a young vampire hunter, you’ll face the malevolent Count Dracula and his minions in a race against time to save your kidnapped mentor and prevent the resurrection of evil. Unleash your whip-cracking skills, uncover hidden secrets, collect powerful relics, and vanquish the nightmarish creatures that lurk within. With this comprehensive guide, conquer the darkness and emerge victorious in the Circle of the Moon.

1. Acquiring the Holy Whip

The Holy Whip is the primary weapon in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. It is crucial to acquire it as soon as possible. To obtain the Holy Whip, proceed through the Catacomb and clear out any enemies along the way. Eventually, you’ll reach a room with a large swinging pendulum. Time your movements carefully to avoid getting hit and reach the platform on the other side. Once there, defeat the boss known as Cerberus to unlock the Holy Whip.

2. Navigation through the Catacomb

Navigating through the Catacomb can be challenging, but with the right approach, you’ll progress smoothly. Along the way, be sure to unlock all the doors and explore each room thoroughly to find power-ups, hidden items, and upgrades for your character. Use your whip and sub-weapons strategically to defeat enemies and save your strength for tougher battles.

3. Defeating the Mummies in the Abyss Stairway

The Abyss Stairway is filled with mummies that can be quite formidable opponents. To defeat them efficiently, take advantage of your sub-weapons, particularly the Cross. The Cross sub-weapon has a great range and deals heavy damage, making it ideal for taking out multiple enemies simultaneously. Use it wisely and time your attacks to maximize its effectiveness.

4. The Battle with the Camilla Spider

The Camilla Spider is a challenging boss encountered in the Catacomb. It has various forms and attacks, but with the proper strategy, you can defeat it. Focus on avoiding its attacks and look for openings to strike back. Make use of sub-weapons like the Cross or the Axe to deal significant damage when the boss is vulnerable. With patience and persistence, you’ll defeat the Camilla Spider and obtain a valuable power-up.

5. Navigating the Machine Tower

The Machine Tower is a complex area with numerous traps and enemies. As you progress, pay attention to the patterns of the moving gears and other hazards to avoid taking unnecessary damage. Collect any power-ups you find along the way, as they will greatly enhance your abilities. Be on the lookout for hidden rooms and secret areas, as they may contain essential items or upgrades to aid you in your journey.

6. The Battle with the Iron Golem

The Iron Golem is a formidable boss encountered in the Machine Tower. It has powerful attacks and can be challenging to defeat. Equip your most potent sub-weapon and focus on dodging the boss’s attacks. Look for openings to strike back, especially when the Iron Golem is winding up for a big attack. Deal as much damage as possible during these moments to defeat the boss and progress further into the game.

7. Exploring the Underground Gallery

The Underground Gallery is a maze-like area filled with dangerous enemies and traps. Take your time to explore each room thoroughly, as you may find hidden paths or secret rooms containing valuable items or power-ups. Utilize your whip and sub-weapons strategically to defeat enemies efficiently while conserving your resources for tougher battles to come.

8. Confronting Dracula and the Final Battle

The final battle against Dracula is the culmination of your journey in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. Prepare yourself by collecting all the necessary power-ups and upgrades available in the game. Once you’re ready, head to the final area and face off against Dracula himself. Study his attack patterns and exploit any weaknesses you find. Utilize your entire arsenal, including sub-weapons and magic abilities, to defeat him and bring an end to his reign of terror.

9. Optional Exploration and Completion

After completing the main story, there may be optional areas or side quests to explore for additional content or rewards. Take your time to revisit previous areas and thoroughly explore all the rooms you may have missed earlier. Look for hidden paths, secret rooms, and challenge yourself to defeat any remaining difficult enemies. Completing these optional objectives will provide a more comprehensive and satisfying gameplay experience.

10. Experimenting with Different Playstyles

As you progress through the game, feel free to experiment with different playstyles and strategies. Try utilizing different sub-weapons, mixing up your attack patterns, or focusing on different statistics when leveling up. This will not only provide a fresh and entertaining experience but may also uncover new approaches that suit your playstyle better.

Castlevania Circle of the Moon Walkthrough Video


  • Pay attention to your character’s stats and abilities – leveling up and upgrading your equipment will greatly enhance your chances of success.
  • Explore every nook and cranny of the castle – secrets and valuable items are often hidden off the beaten path.
  • Use your map – it’s essential for navigating the castle and finding your way around.
  • Be strategic in your approach to combat – learn enemy patterns and weaknesses to maximize your damage and minimize damage taken.
  • Collect and use sub-weapons – these can be powerful tools in your arsenal, especially against bosses.
  • Save often – progress can be lost if you die, so save regularly to avoid starting from scratch.
  • Pay attention to your health – healing items are limited, so use them wisely and avoid unnecessary damage.
  • Utilize the Dual Set-Up system – experiment with different combinations of cards to discover powerful abilities and tactics.
  • Take advantage of the “Item Crash” ability – it can be a game-changer in tough situations.
  • Don’t give up – some areas and bosses can be challenging, but perseverance and learning from your mistakes will lead to victory.


    In conclusion, a walkthrough for Castlevania: Circle of the Moon can be incredibly helpful for players looking to navigate the game and uncover all its secrets. With its challenging levels and hidden treasures, having a guide can save players time and frustration. It provides step-by-step instructions on defeating bosses, obtaining power-ups, and solving puzzles. Additionally, a walkthrough can assist players in finding elusive items and unlocking alternate paths. Whether it’s your first time playing or you’re looking to achieve 100% completion, a Castlevania: Circle of the Moon walkthrough is an invaluable resource. So grab your whip and get ready to explore the dark and treacherous castle with ease!