Celeste Core Walkthrough

By Admin

In the dark and twisted universe of Celeste Core, danger lurks at every turn. As a fearless adventurer, you must navigate treacherous landscapes and confront malevolent creatures in your quest for survival. With each step, the tension mounts, for you are not alone in this unforgiving realm. Agonizing puzzles and deadly traps lay in wait, testing your wits and agility. Your only weapon is your determination, as you unravel the secrets of Celeste Core and challenge the very essence of darkness itself. Prepare for a heart-pounding, bone-chilling journey where the line between life and death blurs, and the odd becomes the terrifyingly real.

Chapter 1: Forsaken City

In this chapter of Celeste Core, you’ll navigate through the treacherous Forsaken City. Here are the steps to triumph over this challenging level.

Step Description
1 Begin by climbing the walls and jumping across platforms. Watch out for spikes and timing your movements carefully.
2 Use your dash ability to transport through the gaps in the walls. Be mindful of the limited number of dashes you have.
3 Collect any strawberries you come across for extra challenge and bragging rights.
4 Continue scaling the tower, utilizing your jumping, dashing, and wall-climbing skills to overcome obstacles.
5 Reach the summit of the tower to complete the level. Congratulations on conquering Forsaken City!

Chapter 2: Old Site

The next chapter, Old Site, presents new hurdles to overcome. Follow this walkthrough to navigate through it successfully and move closer to your goal.

Step Description
1 Start by jumping across collapsing platforms. Be quick and pay attention to the timing.
2 Use your dash ability to reach out-of-reach platforms and maneuver around dangerous obstacles.
3 Interact with switches to activate mechanisms, such as moving platforms and doors.
4 Find and collect strawberries along the way to challenge yourself further.
5 Continue making your way through the level, utilizing your skills to overcome increasingly difficult barriers.
6 Finally, reach the end of Old Site to advance further in your journey.

Chapter 3: Celestial Resort

Celestial Resort awaits you with its luxurious yet treacherous environment. Use this guide to navigate through this challenging chapter.

Step Description
1 Begin by jumping on elevators that move up and down. Time your movements carefully to avoid being crushed.
2 Make use of dust bunnies to reach higher platforms. Notice that they disappear after being used, so plan your jumps accordingly.
3 Interact with hotel staff and explore secret areas for hidden collectibles.
4 Overcome obstacles such as moving spikes and unstable floors by using your dash ability strategically.
5 Reach the top floors of the Celestial Resort, using your skills to overcome difficult platforming challenges.
6 Conquer Celestial Resort and move one step closer to your ultimate destination.

Remember, this is just a glimpse of the thrilling levels that Celeste Core has to offer. Continuously improve your platforming skills, experiment with different strategies, and prepare for even more challenging chapters ahead. Good luck!

Celeste Core Walkthrough Video


  • Explore every area thoroughly to find hidden collectibles and secrets.
  • Try different paths and solutions to overcome challenges.
  • Use the core’s abilities wisely to navigate through difficult sections.
  • Pay attention to environmental cues, as they often provide clues or hints.
  • Experiment with different strategies to defeat challenging enemies.
  • Collect and utilize power-ups to enhance your core’s abilities.
  • Keep track of your progress and save regularly to avoid losing progress.
  • Don’t be afraid to revisit previously completed areas to uncover new secrets.
  • Stay patient and persistent, as some sections may require multiple attempts to conquer.
  • Enjoy the atmospheric music and stunning visuals as you progress through the game.
  • Conclusion

    In conclusion, Celeste Core is a challenging and captivating platforming game that offers a unique gameplay experience. The game’s precise controls and well-designed levels make it a joy to play, while its emotional storytelling and gorgeous visuals add depth and meaning to the overall experience. With its multitude of collectibles, secrets, and extra challenges, Celeste Core offers plenty of content to keep players engaged for hours on end. Whether you’re a seasoned platformer fan or new to the genre, Celeste Core is a must-play game that will test your skills and warm your heart. So grab your controller and embark on this incredible adventure today!