Celeste Walkthrough

By Admin

Step into the dark and twisted world of “Celeste,” a chilling horror game that will test your courage and sanity. As you navigate through an eerie abandoned mansion, you must uncover the haunting truth behind the mysterious disappearance of its former residents. Armed with only a flickering flashlight and your wits, you must navigate through treacherous puzzles, hidden corridors, and unnerving encounters with the supernatural. With every step you take, the line between reality and nightmare blurs, and the sinister presence that lurks within the shadows draws closer. Can you survive the night and unravel the secrets of “Celeste”?

Chapter 1: Forsaken City

– Start by climbing up the wall on the left and jumping over the gap. – Use your dash to reach the first checkpoint flag. – Traverse the platforms and avoid obstacles, using your dash ability strategically. – Reach the room with the key and use it to unlock the door. – Navigate through the moving platforms and spikes to reach the next checkpoint. – Use your dash to break through the red blocks and clear the path. – Finally, climb to the top of the mountain to complete the chapter.

Chapter 2: Old Site

– Enter the dream world by interacting with the mirror. – Utilize your dash ability and timing to avoid falling platforms and moving obstacles. – Activate the crystals to open up new pathways and progress further. – Discover hidden areas by searching for breakable walls and jumping through them. – Solve puzzles involving switches and platforms to reach the next area. – Use your dash to avoid collapsing platforms and reach the summit of the chapter.

Chapter 3: Celestial Resort

– Ascend the hotel by utilizing platforms, timing your dashes, and avoiding deadly obstacles. – Discover new mechanics, such as moving platforms and feather gliding. – Solve puzzles that involve hitting multiple switches and dodging enemies. – Find hidden rooms and secrets by exploring different paths. – Climb the exterior of the hotel by carefully navigating through spikes and avoiding hazards. – Reach the rooftop to complete the chapter.

Chapter 4: Golden Ridge

– Scale the mountain while avoiding crumbling platforms and fast-moving obstacles. – Use your dash ability and feather gliding to overcome large gaps. – Traverse through wind tunnels while timing your dashes to avoid being blown away. – Solve puzzles involving keys, switches, and blocks to progress further. – Discover hidden strawberries and collectibles by exploring off the beaten path. – Climb to the peak of the mountain to complete the chapter.

Chapter 5: Mirror Temple

– Enter the dark and eerie Mirror Temple, using your dash ability to avoid deadly traps. – Maneuver through labyrinth-like corridors, finding keys to unlock doors. – Utilize the mechanic of jumping on platforms to make them appear or disappear. – Face challenging puzzles that involve timing your movements to dodge moving spikes. – Find hidden pathways and collectibles by utilizing your dash and exploring. – Reach the top of the temple to complete the chapter.

Chapter 6: Reflection

– Venture into Madeline’s subconscious, where her inner demons manifest. – Explore a multi-dimensional area, finding ways to progress by shifting between realities. – Solve puzzles that involve manipulating objects to create paths. – Use your dash ability and timing to dodge floating blocks and deadly obstacles. – Discover hidden areas and collect all the heart crystals to unlock the last challenge. – Complete the final stage to finish the chapter and conclude the game.

Celeste Walkthrough Video


  • Take your time: Celeste is a challenging game, so don’t rush through it. Take your time to explore each level and find hidden pathways and secrets.
  • Master the mechanics: Celeste has unique gameplay mechanics like wall jumps, dashes, and air momentum. Practice and master these mechanics to progress through the levels.
  • Utilize the dash wisely: Dashes are essential for navigating obstacles and reaching platforms. Use them strategically to avoid hazards and reach difficult areas.
  • Watch out for collectibles: Each level has hidden strawberries and cassette tapes. Collecting them will unlock bonus levels and contribute to completion percentage.
  • Engage with the story: Celeste has a deep and meaningful story. Pay attention to dialogue and explore optional areas to uncover more about the protagonist’s journey.
  • Try various routes: There are often multiple paths to reach the end of a level. Experiment with different routes to find the one that suits your playstyle best.
  • Persistence is key: Celeste can be challenging, but don’t give up. Be persistent and keep trying, and eventually, you’ll overcome even the toughest obstacles.
  • Practice in Assist Mode: If you’re finding the game too difficult, don’t hesitate to switch to Assist Mode. This mode provides options to make the game more accessible and enjoyable for players of all skill levels.
  • Keep an eye out for feathers: Later in the game, the protagonist gains the ability to dash in mid-air using feathers. Look out for them, as they open up new possibilities for traversing levels.
  • Community support: If you’re stuck on a specific section, don’t hesitate to seek help from the Celeste community. There are various forums and online guides available to provide tips and strategies for overcoming challenging sections.
  • Conclusion

    In conclusion, Celeste is a challenging yet rewarding game that offers a unique blend of platforming and emotional storytelling. With its stunning visuals, tight controls, and heartwarming tale of self-discovery, it’s no wonder that this indie gem has garnered widespread critical acclaim. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a casual player, Celeste offers something for everyone. It not only tests your skills and reflexes but also resonates with its relatable themes of battling inner demons and finding self-acceptance. So, if you’re looking for a game that combines a captivating narrative with exhilarating gameplay, be sure to check out Celeste and embark on a journey like no other.