Club Detention Walkthrough

By Admin

Welcome to the Club Detention Walkthrough, where the stakes are high and the clock is ticking. Step into the shoes of an imprisoned detective, trapped in a secret underground club filled with dangerous criminals. As the only hope for survival, you must navigate through the dimly lit corridors, solve intricate puzzles, and uncover shocking secrets to secure your freedom. But beware, every step brings you closer to the deadly mastermind lurking in the shadows. Will you beat the odds and triumph against all odds, or become another victim in this deadly game? The choice is yours, and time is running out.

Objective: Free your friend from club detention and escape the school

Part 1: Getting to the Club Room

Step 1: Sneak past the school security guard near the main entrance.
Step 2: Make your way to the detention list posted on the bulletin board in the main hallway.
Step 3: Find your friend’s name on the list and locate the club room they are being held in.
Step 4: Proceed quietly and avoid attracting any attention from teachers or other students.

Part 2: Infiltrating the Club Room

Step 1: Locate the key to the club room, which is usually kept in the teacher’s office.
Step 2: Sneak into the teacher’s office and find the key hidden in a desk drawer.
Step 3: Return to the main hallway and head towards the club room.
Step 4: Unlock the club room door using the key and enter quietly.

Part 3: Rescuing Your Friend

Step 1: Search the club room for any clues or tools that might help you free your friend.
Step 2: Look for hidden switches or buttons that could unlock the detention cell.
Step 3: Activate the hidden mechanism and release your friend from detention.
Step 4: Make sure to remain discreet and avoid any potential detection from school staff.

Part 4: Escaping the School

Step 1: Create a diversion to distract the attention of teachers and other students.
Step 2: Use the chaos to slip unnoticed out of the club room and make your way to the school exit.
Step 3: Avoid CCTV cameras and other security measures as you navigate through the school.
Step 4: Finally, reach the school exit and make your escape to freedom!

Club Detention Walkthrough Video


– Start by checking if all club members are present in the detention room. – Verify that the room is clean and organized. – Ensure that all necessary club materials and equipment are available and in good condition. – Take note of any safety hazards and address them immediately. – Evaluate if the club members have completed the assigned tasks during detention. – Offer assistance or guidance to any members who may need it. – Encourage positive behavior and engagement during the detention. – Document any disciplinary issues or incidents that occur during the walkthrough. – Communicate any observations or concerns to the club advisor or relevant school staff. – Conclude the walkthrough by thanking the club members for their cooperation and emphasizing the importance of adhering to club rules and expectations.

Final Touch

In conclusion, navigating through a club detention can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be a valuable learning experience. By staying calm and respectful, students can make the most of their time and create a positive impression. It is essential to be punctual, complete any assigned tasks, and use this opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Remember to communicate openly with teachers and take responsibility for your actions. Utilize this time to reflect on your behavior and develop strategies to make positive changes. Club detention can be a chance to turn things around and learn valuable lessons that will benefit students in their future endeavors.