Code Vein Cathedral Of The Sacred Blood Walkthrough

By Admin

Embark on a treacherous journey through the hallowed halls of the Code Vein Cathedral of the Sacred Blood. As darkness hangs heavy in the air and danger lurks around every corner, you are tasked with unraveling the mysteries that shroud this hauntingly beautiful cathedral. Step into the shoes of a fearless revenant, armed with otherworldly powers and forged alliances, as you navigate treacherous puzzles and battle ferocious enemies. Will you emerge victorious and claim the secrets held within these sacred walls, or fall victim to the twisted nightmares that call this place home? The answers lie within the heart of the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood.


Cathedral of the Sacred Blood is a challenging area in Code Vein that players must navigate through to progress in the game. This walkthrough will guide you through the main points of the area, providing a clever explanation and tips to help you overcome the challenges you’ll face along the way.

1. Getting Started

As you enter the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood, be prepared to encounter powerful enemies and difficult obstacles. Take note of your surroundings, as the cathedral is a maze-like structure with multiple paths to explore. Keep an eye out for hidden items and shortcuts that can make your journey easier.

2. Defeating Enemies

Throughout the cathedral, you will encounter a variety of enemies, each with their own unique abilities and weaknesses. Study their attack patterns and adapt your strategy accordingly. Utilize your Blood Veil and Gifts to gain an advantage in combat. Some enemies may be susceptible to certain types of damage, so experiment with different weapon types to find what works best.

3. Navigating the Cathedral

The Cathedral of the Sacred Blood is a complex area with multiple floors, corridors, and rooms. To progress, you’ll need to solve puzzles, find keys, and unlock doors. Keep an eye out for symbols or clues that indicate the correct path. There may also be hidden passages and shortcuts that can save you time and help you avoid unnecessary battles.

4. Boss Battle Preparation

Before facing the boss of the cathedral, make sure you are fully prepared. Stock up on healing items and upgrade your equipment at the Mistle. Experiment with different Blood Codes to find the ones that best suit your playstyle. Learn the boss’s patterns and weaknesses by observing their attacks and dodging accordingly.

5. Boss Battle: Name of Boss

The boss battle in the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood can be challenging, but with the right strategy, you can emerge victorious. Pay attention to the boss’s attack patterns and use your dodge and parry abilities to avoid taking damage. Wait for opportune moments to strike and use your Gifts to deal maximum damage. Be patient and persistent, as the boss will likely have multiple phases.

6. Rewards and Progression

After defeating the boss, you’ll be rewarded with valuable items and progress to the next area of the game. Take some time to explore the aftermath of the battle and collect any remaining items. Use the Mistles to restore your health and level up your character. Talk to NPCs in the area to gather information and continue your journey.

7. Repeat and Improve

Code Vein is a game that encourages repeated playthroughs to uncover all its secrets and challenges. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed on your first attempt. Use what you’ve learned from previous battles to improve your skills and strategies. Experiment with different weapon types, Blood Codes, and Gifts to find your preferred playstyle. With each attempt, you’ll become stronger and better equipped to face the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood and beyond.

Remember, this walkthrough is just a guide, and your own instincts and creativity are valuable assets in overcoming the challenges of Code Vein.

Code Vein Cathedral of the Sacred Blood Walkthrough Video


  • Start by exploring the entire area to gather important items and learn the layout of the Cathedral.
  • Be cautious of the enemies in the Cathedral, as some are tougher than others. Watch out for their attacks and try to dodge or parry when necessary.
  • Use your partner’s special abilities to your advantage. They can provide assistance in both combat and exploration.
  • When facing tougher enemies or bosses, make sure to use drain attacks to collect Ichor. This will allow you to use powerful Blood Veils and Gifts to deal more damage.
  • Pay attention to the environment for clues on how to progress. There may be hidden paths or destructible objects that can open up new areas.
  • Take your time to explore every nook and cranny of the Cathedral. There are hidden items and shortcuts that can prove to be helpful later on.
  • Keep an eye out for Blood Codes, as acquiring new ones will give you access to different skills and abilities.
  • Make use of the Blood Veil’s special moves to break an enemy’s guard or stagger them for a brief moment. This will create openings for powerful counterattacks.
  • Utilize the mistle checkpoints to level up, regenerate health, and change your equipment if necessary.
  • Use the map to keep track of where you’ve been and where you still need to explore. This will help you avoid getting lost in the intricate corridors of the Cathedral.
  • Bottom Line

    In conclusion, the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood in Code Vein is a challenging and atmospheric location that offers a thrilling gameplay experience. From its intricate design to its formidable enemies, players will need to utilize all their skills to navigate through its winding corridors and dark corners. The walkthrough provided above can serve as a valuable guide, helping players uncover hidden secrets, defeat powerful bosses, and progress through the game. So, gather your weapons, sharpen your focus, and prepare to explore the eerie depths of the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood in Code Vein. Good luck, revenants!